Basil Oil
Sauces, Vegetarian, Low Phosphorus, Low Potassium, Low Protein, Low Sodium

Based on 16 servings per recipe.
- 1 1/2 cups fresh basil leaves
- 1 cup olive oil or vegetable oil
- Rinse and drain 1 1/2 cups lightly packed fresh basil leaves.
- Pat leaves dry with towel.
- In a blender or food processor, combine basil leaves and 1 cup olive oil or vegetable oil. Whirl just until leaves are finely chopped (do not puree).
- Pour mixture into a 1 to 1 1/2 quart pan over medium heat. Stir occasionally until oil bubbles around pan sides and reaches 165 degrees on a thermometer, 3-4 minutes. Be sure the oil is heated to this temperature to kill any bacteria in the mixture.
- Remove from heat and let stand until cool, about an hour.
- Line fine wire strainer with two layers of cheesecloth and set over a small bowl.
- Pour oil mixture into strainer.
- After oil passes through, gently press basil to remaining oil.
- Discard basil.
- Serve oil or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to 3 months. The olive oil may solidify slightly when chilled, but will quickly liquefy when it comes back to room temperature.
About This Recipe
Infused oils make a great salad dressing or bread dip.